Category Archives: News

JCA News Update for December 2017

A big thank you goes out to Jenny Henry, Willy McGinnis, Carol Collins, Violeta Peith, and Mike Becvar for representing JCA at the Safe Places Holiday Party on Monday, December 11th. Jenny was quick to recommend and recruit Willy to be our Santa at the Safe Places party when Dot Com called to say he was sick. Also a thanks to Violeta Peith, Melanie Walker, and Mike Becvar for getting up really early on Saturday, December 9th to represent JCA for the Fantasy Flight at Dulles Airport.

JCA is taking the rest of December off. Our next meeting will be Monday, January 22, 2018, at 7:30 pm. We are working on the agenda for our 2018 meetings. If you have a topic you wish to present, please let Sir Toony know and he will make sure you get on the calendar.

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2018 ==-

Monday, January 22, 2018 — Craft Night – Making a crazy kazoo
Monday, February 26, 2018 — Clown Character Development
Monday, March 26, 2018 — Share a Magic Trick for Critique
Monday, April 23, 2018 — Charity Selection / JCA Officer Elections – Balloon Jam
Monday, May 21, 2018 — (Rescheduled from May 28th)
Monday, June 25, 2018 — JCA Skit Night – Come in costume, we will make a clown video
Monday, July 23, 2018 — Face Painting Jam
Monday, August 27, 2018 —
Monday, September 24, 2018 —
Monday, October 22, 2018 — JCA Annual Pot Luck Dinner
Monday, November 26, 2018 —
Monday, December ?, 2018 — Holiday Party for Safe Places


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.

PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.



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December Jokes


Q: What do most kids give Mom and Dad for Christmas?
A: A list of everything they want!

Q: What do snowmen like to do on the weekend?
A: Chill out.

Q: What does Jack Frost like best about school?
A: Snow and tell.

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Upcoming Clown Events

Florida Super Jam
January 10 – 13, 2018
Clarion Inn Orlando Airport
3835 McCoy Road
Orlando, FL 32812


World Clown Association 2018 Convention
“Ringling Remembered – A tribute to historic Clowns”
March 12 – 16, 2018 Convention
Crowne Plaza Suites MSP Airport – Mall of America
Bloomington, MN

2018 COAI Convention
April 3-8, 2018
Doubletree-Richmond Koger Center
1021 Koger Center Blvd
Richmond, Virginia 23235

2018 Circus Magic Convention
November, 2018 — Date is TBD
Hampton, Virginia


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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The Circus is Coming to Town

Big Apple Circus
March 8 through April 1, 2018
National Harbor

Cirque Du Soleil – Luzia
April 13, 2018 – May 13, 2018
Tysons II

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The Ashburn Juggling Society

A new juggling group is getting started in Ashburn

Meeting times & locations

January 9, 2018
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

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Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

The Fairfax Jugglers meet most Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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JCA News Update for November 2017

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

JCA will meet on Monday, November 27, 2017, at 6:30 pm at the home of Violeta Peith for our annual potluck dinner. Please RSVP so we know how many people to expect. JCA will pay for the pizza and everyone else should bring a side dish or dessert to share.

JCA Potluck Dinner
Monday, November 27, 2017
Sweet Pickle’s address is:
6323 South Springs Circle
Clifton, VA 20124

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-
Monday, November 27, 2017 — Annual JCA Potluck Picnic
Monday, December 11, 2017 — Holiday Party for Safe Places

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


Silver Spring Thanksgiving Parade
Saturday, November 18th, 2017

The Kapitol Klowns have invited our members to join them in the Silver Spring Thanksgiving Parade. If anyone is interested, contact Grant Berry at granthberry -at- aol -dot- com or 301 829 6110.

Special Love Holiday Party
Sunday, December 3rd, 2017
Noon to 3:00pm Franconia Firehouse
6300 Beulah St Franconia, VA

Fantasy Flight at Dulles
Saturday, December 9th
6:30am – 9:00am for departure
9:00am – noon for arrival at the North Pole Dulles Airport

Safe Places Holiday Party – Pending
Monday, December 11th
6:00-9:00pm (Time not confirmed)
8301 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA


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November Jokes


Q: What always comes at the beginning of Thanksgiving?
A: The letter “T”!

Q: What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?
A: A nose

Q: What happened when the turkey got into a fight?
A: He got the stuffing knocked out of him!

Q: What’s the most musical part of a turkey?
A: The drumstick!

Q: If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for?
A: Their age!

Q: How did the Pilgrams bring their cows to America?
A: On the Mooooo-flower.

Q: What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?
A: The letter “g”!

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Upcoming Clown Events

Florida Super Jam
January 10 – 13, 2018
Clarion Inn Orlando Airport
3835 McCoy Road
Orlando, FL 32812


World Clown Association 2018 Convention
“Ringling Remembered – A tribute to historic Clowns”
March 12 – 16, 2018
Convention Crowne Plaza Suites MSP Airport – Mall of America
Bloomington, MN

2018 COAI Convention
April 3-8, 2018
Doubletree-Richmond Koger Center
1021 Koger Center Blvd
Richmond, Virginia 23235

2018 Circus Magic Convention
October or November, 2018
**Note the convention will be in the fall
Hampton, Virginia


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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The Circus is Coming to Town

Cirque Du Soleil – Luzia
Coming to Washington, DC at Tysons II in 2018

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The Ashburn Juggling Society

A new juggling group is getting started in Ashburn

Meeting times & locations
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22030
(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

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Fairfax Jugglers

Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list. The Fairfax Jugglers meet most Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes! Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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JCA News Update for October 2017

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

The normal JCA meeting for October is being replaced by a charity event. Members are invited to come to the 8th annual DC Candlelighters Halloween Party where we can do face painting and balloons for the kids. Coming as clowns or other Halloween costume is optional. The party is for local Pediatric oncology families on and off treatment. The party is at the Life with Cancer Center in Fairfax near the Inova Fairfax Hospital. The address is 8411 Pennell St, Fairfax, Virginia 22031. Contact Sir Toony to RSVP.

DC Candlelighters Halloween Party
Monday, October 23, 2017
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Life With Cancer
8411 Pennell Street
Fairfax, VA, 22031

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-

Monday, October 23, 2017 – DC Candlelighters Halloween Party
Monday, November TBD — Annual JCA Potluck Picnic
Monday, December 11, 2017 — Holiday Party for Safe Places


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

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DC Candlelighters Halloween Party
Monday, October 23, 2017
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Life With Cancer, 8411 Pennell Street
Fairfax, VA, 22031

See above for details

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JCA Annual Dues

It is also time to pay your dues, please bring a check to the next meeting. The dues are $20/year for individuals and $30/year for families. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can mail your check to JCA c/o Violeta Peith, 6323 South Springs Circle, Clifton, VA 20124.

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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


Special Love Holiday Party
Sunday, December 3rd, 2017
Noon to 3:00pm
Franconia Firehouse
6300 Beulah St
Franconia, VA

Fantasy Flight at Dulles
Saturday, December 9th
8:00am – noon
Dulles Airport

Safe Places Holiday Party – Pending
Monday, December 11th
8301 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA

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October Jokes

Q: Where do baby ghosts go during the day?
A: Dayscare centers

Q: What kind of roads do ghosts haunt?
A: Dead Ends

Q: Who did the zombie invite to his party?
A: Anyone he could dig up!

Q: Why does Dracula consider himself a good artist?
A: Because he likes to draw blood!

Q: Which building has the most bats in New York?
A: The Vampire State Building.

Q: Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
A: Because you can see right through them!

Q: Why did the ghost go into the bar?
A: For the Boos.

Q: Why did the skeleton go to the store?
A: To get some spare ribs.

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Upcoming Clown Events

2017 MACA Convention
November 9 – 12, 2017
Red Lion Hotel
4751 Lindle Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111

Florida Super Jam
January 10 – 13, 2018
Clarion Inn Orlando Airport
3835 McCoy Road
Orlando, FL 32812


World Clown Association 2018 Convention
“Ringling Remembered – A tribute to historic Clowns”
March 12 – 16, 2018 Convention
Crowne Plaza Suites MSP Airport – Mall of America
Bloomington, MN


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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The Circus is Coming to Town

The Martial Artists and Acrobats of Tianjin
Direct from the People’s Republic of China

November 3, 2017 – November 4, 2017 at 8:00 pm
November 4, 2017 at 2:00 pm
George Mason Center for the Arts Concert Hall

November 12, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20110

Cirque Du Soleil – Luzia
Coming to Washington, DC at Tysons II in 2018

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2017 Flying Circus Airshow
May-October, 2017
5114 Ritchie Rd
Bealeton, VA 22712

The Flying Circus Aerodrome is located 14 miles SE of Warrenton, VA and 22 miles NW of Fredericksburg, VA.
We are just off Route 17, at 5114 Ritchie Road (Route 644) in Bealeton, VA. Just look for the Flying Circus Sign

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Clown Weekend
Saturday and Sunday, November 4 & 5, 2017
10 AM – 5 PM both days
Tuition: $200; Deposit due with registration*: $50

Class Location: The Center – DC

Register/Reserve Now!

In Clown, we embark on the wondrous journey to rediscover innocence and uncover the pleasure of play. It is a daring adventure, in which we open our fragile hearts in search of fun. The little red nose (the smallest mask) is a great liberator. It requires generosity and summons transparency, revealing us in all of our wonderful and complicated simplicity.

A riotous inquiry… a playful encounter…a look at our laughable & lovable selves.

We love clowns because they make us laugh while revealing the range of mythical and emotional archetypes within each one of us. The honesty and openness we find in clown will inhabit all of our work. Open to all levels.

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The Ashburn Juggling Society

A new juggling group is getting started in Ashburn

Meeting times & locations

Tuesday, November 7, 2017
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

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Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

The Fairfax Jugglers meet most Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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JCA News Update for September 2017

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

JCA will meet on Monday, September 25, 2017, at 7:00 pm. This month’s educational activity is our annual skits night where we video tape several skits. Please come in costume and makeup and bring any props you think might be handy in a clown skit. To give everyone time to put on their costume and makeup, we will NOT meet prior to the meeting for dinner at the PanAm Family Restaurant.

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-

Monday, September 25, 2017 — JCA Annual Skits Night
Monday, October – TBD – — Annual JCA Potluck Picnic
Monday, November 27, 2017 —
Monday, December 11, 2017 — Holiday Party for Safe Places


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.

PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

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DC Candlelighters Halloween Party
October 23
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Life With Cancer, 8411 Pennell Street
Fairfax, VA, 22031

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JCA Annual Dues

It is also time to pay your dues, please bring a check to the next meeting. The dues are $20/year for individuals and $30/year for families. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can mail your check to JCA c/o Violeta Peith, 6323 South Springs Circle, Clifton, VA 20124.

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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


Our next parade is the Vienna Halloween Parade

71st Annual Halloween Parade – Pending
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Vienna, VA on Maple Avenue

Special Love Holiday Party
Sunday, December 3rd, 2017
Noon to 3:00 pm
Franconia Firehouse
6300 Beulah St
Franconia, VA

Fantasy Flight at Dulles
Saturday, December 9th
8:00 am – noon
Dulles Airport

Safe Places Holiday Party – Pending
Monday, December 11th
8301 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA

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September Jokes

Q: Why did the policeman go to the baseball game?
A: He heard someone had stolen a base!

Q: What did the schizophrenic bookkeeper say?
A: I hear invoices!

Q: What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on?
A: A coat of paint.

Q: How many seconds are there in one year?
A: 12: January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, April 2nd, May 2nd, etc…

Q: What has 13 hearts, but no other organs?
A: A deck of playing cards.

Q: Which is the most curious letter?
A: Y?

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Upcoming Clown Events

2017 MACA Convention
November 9 – 12, 2017
Red Lion Hotel
4751 Lindle Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111

Florida Super Jam
January 10 – 13, 2018
Clarion Inn Orlando Airport
3835 McCoy Road
Orlando, FL 32812


World Clown Association 2018 Convention
“Ringling Remembered – A tribute to historic Clowns”
March 12 – 16, 2018 Convention
Crowne Plaza Suites MSP Airport – Mall of America
Bloomington, MN


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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The Circus is Coming to Town

The Martial Artists and Acrobats of Tianjin
Direct from the People’s Republic of China
November 12, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20110

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2017 Flying Circus Airshow
May-October, 2017
5114 Ritchie Rd
Bealeton, VA 22712

The Flying Circus Aerodrome is located 14 miles SE of Warrenton, VA and 22 miles NW of Fredericksburg, VA.
We are just off Route 17, at 5114 Ritchie Road (Route 644) in Bealeton, VA. Just look for the Flying Circus Sign

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Clown Weekend
Saturday and Sunday, November 4 & 5, 2017
10 AM – 5 PM both days
Tuition: $200; Deposit due with registration*: $50

Class Location: The Center – DC

Register/Reserve Now!

In Clown, we embark on the wondrous journey to rediscover innocence and uncover the pleasure of play. It is a daring adventure, in which we open our fragile hearts in search of fun. The little red nose (the smallest mask) is a great liberator. It requires generosity and summons transparency, revealing us in all of our wonderful and complicated simplicity.

A riotous inquiry… a playful encounter…a look at our laughable & lovable selves.

We love clowns because they make us laugh while revealing the range of mythical and emotional archetypes within each one of us. The honesty and openness we find in clown will inhabit all of our work. Open to all levels.

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The Ashburn Juggling Society

A new juggling group is getting started in Ashburn

Meeting times & locations

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

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Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

The Fairfax Jugglers meet most Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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JCA News Update for August 2017

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

JCA will meet on Monday, August 28, 2017, at 7:00 pm. This month’s educational activity is our annual skits night where we video tape several skits. Please come in costume and makeup and bring any props you think might be handy in a clown skit. To give everyone time to put on their costume and makeup, we will NOT meet prior to the meeting for dinner at the PanAm Family Restaurant.

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-

Monday, August 28, 2017 — JCA Annual Skits Night
Monday, September 25, 2017 —
Monday, October 23, 2017 — Annual JCA Potluck Picnic
Monday, November 27, 2017 —
Monday, December ??, 2017 — Holiday Party for Safe Places


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.

PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

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JCA Annual Dues

It is also time to pay your dues, please bring a check to the next meeting. The dues are $20/year for individuals and $30/year for families. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can mail your check to JCA c/o Violeta Peith, 6323 South Springs Circle, Clifton, VA 20124.

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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


Our next parade is the Vienna Halloween Parade

71st Annual Halloween Parade – Pending
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Vienna, VA on Maple Avenue

Do we have any interest in participating in the following parades:

2017 Herndon Homecoming Parade
The parade is Saturday, October 14th at 9:30 am

2017 Sterling Columbus Day Parade
The parade is on Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 10:00 am

Special Love Holiday Party
Sunday, December 3rd, 2017
Noon to 3:00pm
Franconia Firehouse
6300 Beulah St
Franconia, VA

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August Jokes

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity.. it’s impossible to put down!

Q: What kind of stars wear sunglasses?
A: Movie stars

Q: Why did the star get arrested?
A: Because it was a shooting star!

Q: What happened to the astronaut who stepped on chewing gum?
A: He got stuck in Orbit!

Q: How do you know when the moon is going broke?
A: When it’s down to its last quarter.

Q: Why couldn’t the astronaut book a room on the moon?
A: Because it was full.

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Upcoming Clown Events

American Clown Academy
August 21-25, 2017
Camp Obannon
Newark, OH

2017 MACA Convention
November 9 – 12, 2017
Red Lion Hotel
4751 Lindle Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111

Florida Super Jam
January 10 – 13, 2018
Clarion Inn Orlando Airport
3835 McCoy Road
Orlando, FL 32812


World Clown Association 2018 Convention
“Ringling Remembered – A tribute to historic Clowns”
March 12 – 16, 2018 Convention
Crowne Plaza Suites MSP Airport – Mall of America
Bloomington, MN


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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The Circus is Coming to Town

Cirque du Soleil OVO
Aug 16-20, 2017
EagleBank Arena Fairfax, VA

Clown Cabaret
September 11, 2017
October 9, 2017
Logan Fringe Arts Space – Trinidad Theatre
1358 Florida Ave. NE, Washington DC

DC’s (sort of) monthly Clown Cabaret provides Comedy, the Surreal, and Sublime to theatergoers in Washington, DC

The Martial Artists and Acrobats of Tianjin
Direct from the People’s Republic of China
November 12, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20110

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2017 Flying Circus Airshow
May-October, 2017
5114 Ritchie Rd
Bealeton, VA 22712

The Flying Circus Aerodrome is located 14 miles SE of Warrenton, VA and 22 miles NW of Fredericksburg, VA.
We are just off Route 17, at 5114 Ritchie Road (Route 644) in Bealeton, VA. Just look for the Flying Circus Sign

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Clown Weekend
Saturday and Sunday, November 4 & 5, 2017
10 AM – 5 PM both days
Tuition: $200; Deposit due with registration*: $50

Class Location: The Center – DC

Register/Reserve Now!

In Clown, we embark on the wondrous journey to rediscover innocence and uncover the pleasure of play. It is a daring adventure, in which we open our fragile hearts in search of fun. The little red nose (the smallest mask) is a great liberator. It requires generosity and summons transparency, revealing us in all of our wonderful and complicated simplicity. A riotous inquiry… a playful encounter…a look at our laughable & lovable selves.

We love clowns because they make us laugh while revealing the range of mythical and emotional archetypes within each one of us. The honesty and openness we find in clown will inhabit all of our work. Open to all levels.

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The Ashburn Juggling Society

A new juggling group is getting started in Ashburn

Meeting times & locations

Tuesday August 22, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

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Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

The Fairfax Jugglers meet most Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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June 2017 News Update

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

JCA will meet on Monday, June 26, 2017, at 7:30 pm. We have talked about it for a while and at this meeting we will put together an outline for a JCA clown show. We don’t have a date or location for the show, but once we have the outline in place, we will be better able to sell the concept to local groups.

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-

Monday, June 26, 2017 — Planning a Clown Show
Monday, July 24, 2017 —
Monday, August 28, 2017 — JCA Annual Skits Night
Monday, September 25, 2017 —
Monday, October 23, 2017 — Annual JCA Potluck Picnic
Monday, November 27, 2017 —
Monday, December ??, 2017 — Holiday Party for Safe Places


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.

PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

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JCA Annual Dues

It is also time to pay your dues, please bring a check to the next meeting. The dues are $20/year for individuals and $30/year for families. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can mail your check to JCA c/o Violeta Peith, 6323 South Springs Circle, Clifton, VA 20124.

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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


Our next parade is the City of Fairfax Independence Day Parade

City of Fairfax Independence Day Parade – Confirmed
July 4, 2017
10:00 am
Downtown Fairfax, VA

This year’s theme is “Volunteers Light Up Fairfax”.

Division 6 Line Up
605 – Just Clowning Around of Northern Virginia

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Summer Vacation Jokes

Q: Where do sharks go on summer vacation?
A: Finland!

Q: Where do eggs go on summer vacation?
A: New Yolk City.

Q: What did the bread do on vacation?
A: It loafed around.

Q: Where did the sheep go on vacation?
A: The Baa-hamas…

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Upcoming Clown Events

Mooseburger Clown Arts Camp
July 25 – 30, 2017
Christ the King Retreat Center
621 First Ave. South
Buffalo MN 55313

International Clown Week
August 1-7 of every year

KIDabara Annual Conference
August 6-10, 2017
Music Road Inn Complex
Pigeon Forge, TN

American Clown Academy
August 21-25, 2017
Camp Obannon
Newark, OH


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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Second annual District of Comedy Festival
July 20-22, 2017
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

The Kennedy Center presents its second annual all-star showcase of celebrated comedians headlining venues all around the building, along with a collaboration with Chicago’s legendary comedy theater The Second City.

Puddles Pity Party
Friday, July 21, 2017
Performance Timing: 70 minutes, with no intermission.

The “Sad Clown with the Golden Voice” returns with a suitcase full of all-new emotional anthems, plenty of Kleenex, and a brilliant sense of the absurd, mixing humor with the awkward, tender moments.

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The Circus is Coming to Town

Cirque du Soleil OVO
Aug 16-20, 2017
EagleBank Arena Fairfax, VA

Cirque de la Nuit A cabaret-style Showcase
June 3, 2017. 6:00 pm
3431-F Carlin Springs Road
Falls Church, VA, 22041

Clown Cabaret
September 11, 2017
October 9, 2017
Logan Fringe Arts Space – Trinidad Theatre
1358 Florida Ave. NE, Washington DC

DC’s (sort of) monthly Clown Cabaret provides Comedy, the Surreal, and Sublime to theatergoers in

Washington DC

UniverSoul Circus
June 22 – July 23, 2017
FEDEX Field – Lot D Green, Landover, MD

The Martial Artists and Acrobats of Tianjin
Direct from the People’s Republic of China
November 12, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20110

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2017 Flying Circus Airshow
May-October, 2017
5114 Ritchie Rd
Bealeton, VA 22712

The Flying Circus Aerodrome is located 14 miles SE of Warrenton, VA and 22 miles NW of Fredericksburg, VA. We are just off Route 17, at 5114 Ritchie Road (Route 644) in Bealeton, VA. Just look for the Flying Circus Sign

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Clown Weekend
Saturday and Sunday, November 4 & 5, 2017
10 AM – 5 PM both days
Tuition: $200; Deposit due with registration*: $50

Class Location: The Center – DC

Register/Reserve Now!

In Clown, we embark on the wondrous journey to rediscover innocence and uncover the pleasure of play. It is a daring adventure, in which we open our fragile hearts in search of fun. The little red nose (the smallest mask) is a great liberator. It requires generosity and summons transparency, revealing us in all of our wonderful and complicated simplicity.

A riotous inquiry… a playful encounter…a look at our laughable & lovable selves. We love clowns because they make us laugh while revealing the range of mythical and emotional archetypes within each one of us. The honesty and openness we find in clown will inhabit all of our work. Open to all levels.

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The 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Coming this summer…. Marking its fiftieth anniversary in 2017, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival will bring the rich history, mystique and diversity of circus arts to life on the National Mall. The 2017 Folklife Festival program will provide many opportunities for experiential exploration of the life and work of circus people in America today. Join us in Washington, D.C., June 29 through July 4 and July 6 through 9 on the National Mall between Seventh and Twelfth streets, adjacent to the Smithsonian Castle.

2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Circus Arts
June 29-July 4 and July 6-9, 2017

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The Ashburn Juggling Society

A new juggling group is getting started in Ashburn

Meeting times & locations

July 11, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

Auust 1, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

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Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

The Fairfax Jugglers meet most Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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May 2017 News Update

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

Congratulations to our board members who were all re-elected to another term for the 2017-2018 year.

JCA President = Mike “Sir Toony” Becvar
JCA Vice President = Miguel “Pelukyta” Flores
JCA Secretary = Melanie “Fancy” Walker
JCA Treasurer = Violeta “Sweet Pickle” Peith

JCA will meet on Monday, May 22nd, 2017, at 7:30 pm. We will be talking about parade props. Bring your favorite parade prop to share with everyone. Be ready to tell everyone how you made the parade prop and how you like to use it. Topics will include:

– tools and materials to construct parade props
– how to use a parade prop
– where to find items that can be used as a parade prop

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-

Monday, May 22, 2017 — Building Parade props
Monday, June 26, 2017 —
Monday, July 24, 2017 —
Monday, August 28, 2017 — JCA Annual Skits Night
Monday, September 25, 2017 —
Monday, October 23, 2017 — Annual JCA Potluck Picnic
Monday, November 27, 2017 —
Monday, December ??, 2017 — Holiday Party for Safe Places


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.

PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


Our next parade is the City of Falls Church Memorial Day Parade

City of Falls Church Memorial Day Parade – Pending Confirmation
Monday, May 29, 2017
Falls Church, VA
Route travels down Park Ave. between West St. and Little Falls Street

City of Fairfax Independence Day Parade – Confirmed
July 4, 2017
10:00 am
Downtown Fairfax, VA

This year’s theme is “Volunteers Light Up Fairfax”.

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May Flowers Jokes

Q: Why couldn’t the flower ride it’s bike?
A: It lost its petals.

Q: What did the bee say to the flower?
A: Hello, honey.

Q: What kind of flower looks like it just came back from a fight?
A: A black-eyed Susan!

Q: What do you get if you cross a monkey with a flower?
A: A chimp-pansy!

Q: Why is grass so dangerous?
A: Because it’s full of blades!

Q: What is the only class you can plant a flower in?
A: Kindergarden!

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Upcoming Clown Events

Mooseburger Clown Arts Camp
July 25 – 30, 2017
Christ the King Retreat Center
621 First Ave. South
Buffalo MN 55313


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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The Circus is Coming to Town

Cirque de la Nuit A cabaret-style Showcase
June 3, 2017. 6:00 pm
3431-F Carlin Springs Road
Falls Church, VA, 22041

Clown Cabaret
June 12, 2017
September 11, 2017
October 9, 2017
Logan Fringe Arts Space – Trinidad Theatre
1358 Florida Ave. NE, Washington DC

DC’s (sort of) monthly Clown Cabaret provides Comedy, the Surreal, and Sublime to theatergoers in Washington DC

UniverSoul Circus
June 22 – July 23, 2017
FEDEX Field – Lot D Green, Landover, MD

Cirque du Soleil OVO
Aug 16-20, 2017
EagleBank Arena Fairfax, VA

The Martial Artists and Acrobats of Tianjin
Direct from the People’s Republic of China
November 12, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20110

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2017 Flying Circus Airshow
May-October, 2017
5114 Ritchie Rd
Bealeton, VA 22712

The Flying Circus Aerodrome is located 14 miles SE of Warrenton, VA and 22 miles NW of Fredericksburg, VA. Located just off Route 17, at 5114 Ritchie Road (Route 644) in Bealeton, VA. Just look for the Flying Circus Sign

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MAY 22 – 27, 2017
MONDAY – SATURDAY 10 am – 5pm

Tuition: $600
Deposit*: $100 due with Registration

Class Location: DC – Academy for Classical Acting 2129 G St, NW

Instructor: Dody DiSanto

Please join me in the messy adventure of clown – the wondrous journey to rediscover innocence and uncover the pleasure of play. Where we shine the light on foolishness in pursuit of the soft brain and open physical hilarity of fun. This work helps in all aspects of life, but truly brings a fresh muscularity to the task of performing any material.

Intended for those who have already taken some clown and seek further adventures in search of high rascalry!
During this concentrated week we will work in various size groups to set loose the true nature of your clown, develop material, build routines and explore how clowns turn idiocy into art form.

NOVEMBER 4 & 5, 2017
SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10 AM – 5 PM both days
Tuition: $200; Deposit due with registration*: $50

Class Location: The Center – DC

Register/Reserve Now!

In Clown, we embark on the wondrous journey to rediscover innocence and uncover the pleasure of play. It is a daring adventure, in which we open our fragile hearts in search of fun. The little red nose (the smallest mask) is a great liberator. It requires generosity and summons transparency, revealing us in all of our wonderful and complicated simplicity. A riotous inquiry… a playful encounter…a look at our laughable & lovable selves. We love clowns because they make us laugh while revealing the range of mythical and emotional archetypes within each one of us. The honesty and openness we find in clown will inhabit all of our work. Open to all levels.

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The 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Coming this summer…. Marking its fiftieth anniversary in 2017, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival will bring the rich history, mystique and diversity of circus arts to life on the National Mall. The 2017 Folklife Festival program will provide many opportunities for experiential exploration of the life and work of circus people in America today. Join us in Washington, D.C., June 29 through July 4 and July 6 through 9 on the National Mall between Seventh and Twelfth streets, adjacent to the Smithsonian Castle.

2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Circus Arts
June 29-July 4 and July 6-9, 2017

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The Ashburn Juggling Society

A new juggling group is getting started in Ashburn

Meeting times & locations

Tuesdy May 23rd, 2017
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

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Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

The Fairfax Jugglers meet most Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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JCA News Update for April 2017

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

JCA will meet on Monday, April 24, 2017, at 7:30 pm. We will be holding our annual officer elections and select our charity for the 2017-2018 year. We will also have some fun with Improv games and other activities.

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-

Monday, April 24, 2017 — Charity Selection / Officer elections / Improv Games – Listening and responding.
Monday, May 22, 2017 — Building Parade props
Monday, June 26, 2017 —
Monday, July 24, 2017 —
Monday, August 28, 2017 — JCA Annual Skits Night
Monday, September 25, 2017 —
Monday, October 23, 2017 — Annual JCA Potluck Picnic
Monday, November 27, 2017 —
Monday, December ??, 2017 — Holiday Party for Safe Places


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.

PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


Our next parade is the City of Falls Church Memorial Day Parade

City of Falls Church Memorial Day Parade – Pending Confirmation
Monday, May 29, 2017
Falls Church, VA
Route travels down Park Ave. between West St. and Little Falls Street

City of Fairfax Independence Day Parade – Pending Confirmation
July 4, 2017
10:00 am
Downtown Fairfax, VA

This year’s theme is “Volunteers Light Up Fairfax”.

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April Jokes

Q: What goes up when the rain comes down?
A: An umbrella!

Q: Why is everyone so tired on April 1?
A: Because they’ve just finished a long, 31 day March!

Q: What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
A: You have to be careful not to step on a poodle.

Q: What bow can’t be tied?
A: A rainbow!

Q: What falls but never gets hurt?
A: The rain!

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Magi Whirl Convention and Show
April 21st and 22nd, 2017
Bishop Ireton High School
201 Cambridge Road
Alexandria, VA 22314

Magi Whirl Show open to the Public with 5 Different Entertainers from around the country!
April 22nd
6 PM Doors Open
6-7 PM Close Up Magic in the lobby
$15 in Advance
$20 at the Door

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Knight’s of Columbus Night of Magic Show

The Society of American Magicians Assembly 252 in Fairfax is having their annual fundraising show, the Knight’s of Columbus Night of Magic Show, is on Saturday, April 29, 2017 at Saint Leo the Great Catholic School. It shares the same parking area. It is the building on the left as you enter from Old Lee Highway. Doors open at 6:00 for pizza and close up magic. The stage show is at 7:00. We aim for an hour long show.

Knight’s of Columbus Night of Magic Show
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Doors open at 6:00 for pizza and close up magic.
The stage show is at 7:00.

St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

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Upcoming Clown Events

2017 COAI Clown Convention
April 25-30, 2017
Hosted by: Northland Clown Guild Alley 217
Hilton Kansas City Airport
8801 NW 112 St
Kansas City, MO 64153

AbraCORNdabra Magic Convention
May 19 – 21, 2017
Airport Holiday Inn – Des Moines, Iowa
6111 Fleur Dr
Des Moines, IA 50321

FABAIC – 15th Annual Face & Body Art International Convention
May 24 – 28, 2017
Double Tree by Hilton Universal Orlando
5780 Major Blvd
Orlando FL 32819

Mooseburger Clown Arts Camp
July 25 – 30, 2017
Christ the King Retreat Center
621 First Ave. South
Buffalo MN 55313


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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25th Annual Congress Of Jugglers

The date has changed to May 5th – 7th, 2017

Come join the UMD Juggling club for this year’s Congress of Jugglers! EVERYONE is welcome. Bring your friends! Bring your family! Tell strangers you see on the street!

WHAT: The Congress of Jugglers has been an annual free juggling convention for those on the East Coast for more than 20 years. The purpose is to have fun, meet people, learn new things, and teach new things.

– Ritchie Coliseum at UMD for main events
– concrete in front of Ritchie for fire
– Ritchie Coliseum for the show (reservation still in process)

WHEN : May 5th – 7th, 2017
– Friday: 5:00 PM – 12:00 AM
– Saturday: 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM
– Sunday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Show Saturday 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Ritchie Coliseum

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The 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Coming next summer…. Marking its fiftieth anniversary in 2017, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival will bring the rich history, mystique and diversity of circus arts to life on the National Mall. The 2017 Folklife Festival program will provide many opportunities for experiential exploration of the life and work of circus people in America today. Join us in Washington, D.C., June 29 through July 4 and July 6 through 9 on the National Mall between Seventh and Twelfth streets, adjacent to the Smithsonian Castle.

2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Circus Arts
June 29-July 4 and July 6-9, 2017

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The Ashburn Juggling Society

A new juggling group is getting started in Ashburn

Meeting times & locations

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

Tuesdy May 23rd, 2017
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd Ashburn, VA 20147
Story Time Room

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

Rumors are true that the Fairfax Jugglers have switched back to Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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March 2017 News Update

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

We have a special group of guests to present this month’s lecture at our monthly meeting on Monday, March 27, 2017, at 7:30 pm. Members of the local Society of American Magicians Assembly 252 will be there to do some magic. This meeting should be lots of fun and very informative for anyone interested in magic. As always, JCA meets at the Vienna Baptist Church.

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-

Monday, March 27, 2017 — SAM 252 Lecture
Monday, April 24, 2017 — Charity Selection / Officer elections / Improv Games – Listening and responding.
Monday, May 22, 2017 — Building Parade props
Monday, June 26, 2017 —
Monday, July 24, 2017 —
Monday, August 28, 2017 — JCA Annual Skits Night
Monday, September 25, 2017 —
Monday, October 23, 2017 —
Monday, November 27, 2017 —
Monday, December ??, 2017 —


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.

PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031

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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


COAI Clowns in the DC Cherry Blossom Festival Parade
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Time: 10 AM – Noon
Location: Constitution Avenue – From 7th to 17th streets, NW
Washington, DC

Join clowns from Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC in a combined group with the Kapitol Klowns and FreeState Clown Alley and march in the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade on Saturday, April 8th.

City of Falls Church Memorial Day Parade – Pending Confirmation
Monday, May 29, 2017

City of Fairfax Independence Day Parade – Pending Confirmation
July 4, 2017

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Q: Did you hear the joke about the roof?
A: Never mind, it’s over your head!

Q: Why did the woman run around her bed?
A: She wanted to catch up on her sleep!

Q: What gives you the ability to walk though walls?
A: A door.

Q: What room is useless for a ghost?
A: The living room.

Q: Why did the clown cover his ears when he walked by the hen house?
A: He didn’t want to hear the fowl language.

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Magi Whirl Convention and Show
April 21st and 22nd, 2017
Bishop Ireton High School
201 Cambridge Road
Alexandria, VA 22314

Magi Whirl Show open to the Public with 5 Different Entertainers from around the country!
April 22nd
6 PM Doors Open
6-7 PM Close Up Magic in the lobby
$15 in Advance
$20 at the Door

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

The Society of American Magicians Assembly 252 in Fairfax is having their annual fundraising show, the Knight’s of Columbus Night of Magic Show, is on Saturday, April 29, 2017 at Saint Leo the Great Catholic School. It shares the same parking area. It is the building on the left as you enter from Old Lee Highway. Doors open at 6:00 for pizza and close up magic. The stage show is at 7:00. We aim for an hour long show.

Knight’s of Columbus Night of Magic Show
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Doors open at 6:00 for pizza and close up magic.
The stage show is at 7:00.

St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Upcoming Clown Events

2017 COAI Clown Convention
April 25-30, 2017
Hosted by: Northland Clown Guild Alley 217
Hilton Kansas City Airport
8801 NW 112 St
Kansas City, MO 64153

AbraCORNdabra Magic Convention
May 19 – 21, 2017
Airport Holiday Inn – Des Moines, Iowa
6111 Fleur Dr
Des Moines, IA 50321

FABAIC – 15th Annual Face & Body Art International Convention
May 24 – 28, 2017
Double Tree by Hilton Universal Orlando
5780 Major Blvd
Orlando FL 32819

Mooseburger Clown Arts Camp
July 25 – 30, 2017
Christ the King Retreat Center
621 First Ave. South
Buffalo MN 55313


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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The Circus is Coming to Town

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents
Out of this World – Farewell tour
This is your last chance to catch the Ringling Bros. Circus before it closes

March 30, 2017 – April 02, 2017
Verizon Center
Washington, DC

April 07, 2017 – April 16, 2017
Eaglebank Arena
Fairfax, VA

Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
April 8, 2017 at 11:00 am
April 8, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Merchant Hall
Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20110

The whole family will be amused and amazed by the juggling skills of Gregory Popovich and the antics of his furry and feathered friends. Clowns, acrobats and jugglers accompany a menagerie of adorable animals that eagerly perform remarkable circus tricks.

25th Annual Congress Of Jugglers

Come join the UMD Juggling club for this year’s Congress of Jugglers! EVERYONE is welcome. Bring your friends! Bring your family! Tell strangers you see on the street!

WHAT: The Congress of Jugglers has been an annual free juggling convention for those on the East Coast for more than 20 years. The purpose is to have fun, meet people, learn new things, and teach new things.

– Ritchie Coliseum at UMD for main events
– concrete in front of Ritchie for fire
– Hoff Theater in Stamp for the show (reservation still in process)

WHEN : April 28th to Sunday, April 30th
– Friday: 5PM-12AM
– Saturday: 10AM-12AM
– Sunday: 10AM-5PM

Show Saturday 8pm-10pm (might change) at the Hoff Theater

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The 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Coming next summer…. Marking its fiftieth anniversary in 2017, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival will bring the rich history, mystique and diversity of circus arts to life on the National Mall. The 2017 Folklife Festival program will provide many opportunities for experiential exploration of the life and work of circus people in America today. Join us in Washington, D.C., June 29 through July 4 and July 6 through 9 on the National Mall between Seventh and Twelfth streets, adjacent to the Smithsonian Castle.

2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Circus Arts
June 29-July 4 and July 6-9, 2017

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Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)

Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

Rumors are true that the Fairfax Jugglers have switched back to Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at

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February 2017 News Update

Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder

JCA will meet on Monday, February 27, 2017, at 7:30 pm. We will be using this meeting to work on our creativity and listening skills by playing some Improv games. We still need to plan our educational topics for the rest of the year. If you have a topic you think would be good to present at a meeting, let us know.

JCA Meeting Schedule

-== 2017 ==-

Monday, February 27, 2017 — Improv Games – Listening and responding.
Monday, March 27, 2017 —
Monday, April 24, 2017 —
Monday, May 22, 2017 —
Monday, June 26, 2017 —
Monday, July 24, 2017 —
Monday, August 28, 2017 —
Monday, September 25, 2017 —
Monday, October 23, 2017 —
Monday, November 27, 2017 —
Monday, December ??, 2017 —


JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180

Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.

Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.

PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades

If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at

NOTE: Since January 2013, we have required that all members have their makeup and costumes reviewed and critiqued before they may represent JCA at events as a clown. Clowns must also have paid their annual dues to both JCA and COAI to participate in events. Clowns from neighboring clown alleys are welcome to join JCA in parades without being required to pay dues to JCA.


Our next parade is the DC Cherry Blossom Festival Parade

COAI Clowns in the DC Cherry Blossom Festival Parade
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Time: 10 AM – Noon
Location: Constitution Avenue – From 7th to 17th streets, NW
Washington, DC

Join clowns from Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC in a combined group with the Kapitol Klowns and FreeState Clown Alley and march in the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade on Saturday, April 8th.

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Q: Why can’t you iron a four-leaf clover?
A: Because you shouldn’t press your luck!

Q: What do you get if you cross poison ivy with a four leaf clover?
A: A rash of good luck!

Q: Where can you always find gold?
A: In the dictionary!

Q: What’s a leprechaun’s favorite kind of music?
A: Sham-rock and roll.

Q: When is an Irish Potato not an Irish Potato?
A: When it’s a FRENCH fry!

Q: What type of bow cannot be tied?
A: A rainbow!

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Knight’s of Columbus Night of Magic Show

The Society of American Magicians Assembly 252 in Fairfax is having their annual fundraising show, the Knight’s of Columbus Night of Magic Show, is on Saturday, April 29, 2017 at Saint Leo the Great Catholic School. It shares the same parking area. It is the building on the left as you enter from Old Lee Highway. Doors open at 6:00 for pizza and close up magic. The stage show is at 7:00. We aim for an hour long show.

Knight’s of Columbus Night of Magic Show
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Doors open at 6:00 for pizza and close up magic.
The stage show is at 7:00.

St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Upcoming Clown Events

2017 COAI Clown Convention
April 25-30, 2017
Hosted by: Northland Clown Guild Alley 217
Hilton Kansas City Airport
8801 NW 112 St
Kansas City, MO 64153

AbraCORNdabra Magic Convention
May 19 – 21, 2017
Airport Holiday Inn – Des Moines, Iowa
6111 Fleur Dr
Des Moines, IA 50321

FABAIC – 15th Annual Face & Body Art International Convention
May 24 – 28, 2017
Double Tree by Hilton Universal Orlando
5780 Major Blvd
Orlando FL 32819

Mooseburger Clown Arts Camp
July 25 – 30, 2017
Christ the King Retreat Center
621 First Ave. South
Buffalo MN 55313


Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:

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The Circus is Coming to Town

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents
Out of this World – Farewell tour
This is your last chance to catch the Ringling Bros. Circus before it closes

March 30, 2017 – April 02, 2017
Verizon Center
Washington, DC

April 07, 2017 – April 16, 2017
Eaglebank Arena
Fairfax, VA

Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
April 8, 2017 at 11:00 am
April 8, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Merchant Hall
Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20110

The whole family will be amused and amazed by the juggling skills of Gregory Popovich and the antics of his furry and feathered friends. Clowns, acrobats and jugglers accompany a menagerie of adorable animals that eagerly perform remarkable circus tricks.

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The 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Coming next summer…. Marking its fiftieth anniversary in 2017, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival will bring the rich history, mystique and diversity of circus arts to life on the National Mall. The 2017 Folklife Festival program will provide many opportunities for experiential exploration of the life and work of circus people in America today. Join us in Washington, D.C., June 29 through July 4 and July 6 through 9 on the National Mall between Seventh and Twelfth streets, adjacent to the Smithsonian Castle.

2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Circus Arts
June 29-July 4 and July 6-9, 2017

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Balloon and Face Painting Jams

The monthly balloon and face painting jam in Chantilly is currently looking for a new restaurant to host the jam.

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm

The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030

(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)
Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm

–==–==–==– –==–==–==– –==–==–==–

Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session

Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Contact to get on their email list.

Rumors are true that the Fairfax Jugglers have switched back to Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!

Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.


The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at