Just Clowning Around (JCA) Monthly Meeting Reminder
JCA will meet on Monday, January 23, 2017, at 7:30 pm. We will be using this meeting to plan our educational topics for the rest of the year. If you have a topic you think would be good to present at a meeting, let us know.
JCA Meeting Schedule
-== 2017 ==-
Monday, January 23, 2017 —
Monday, February 27, 2017 —
Monday, March 27, 2017 —
Monday, April 24, 2017 —
Monday, May 22, 2017 —
Monday, June 26, 2017 —
Monday, July 24, 2017 —
Monday, August 28, 2017 —
Monday, September 25, 2017 —
Monday, October 23, 2017 —
Monday, November 27, 2017 —
Monday, December ??, 2017 —
JCA Monthly Meetings
4th Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Vienna Baptist Church
541 Marshall Rd SW
Vienna, VA 22180
Take I-66 to the Nutley Street exit heading north toward Vienna. Turn right at the first light onto Marshall Road. Drive approximately one-quarter mile to Ware Street and turn left. We meet in the Parlor. The door that is usually unlocked is around towards the back of the building.
Several members meet at the PanAm Family Restaurant in Vienna around 6:00 pm for dinner before the monthly JCA meeting. Sometimes, we even pull out our balloons for a mini jam during dinner.
PanAm Family Restaurant
3051 Nutley St.
Fairfax, VA 22031
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Do you have clown news to share via the news updates or newsletters? Send your ideas and news to Sir Toony at SirToony@SirToonyVanDukes.com
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Requests for Clowns – Local Events and Parades
If you are interested in marching in one of the upcoming local parades, contact Sir Toony at SirToony@SirToonyVanDukes.com
Our next parade is the DC Cherry Blossom Parade
COAI in the DC Cherry Blossom Parade
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Washington, DC
A combined group with the Kapitol Klowns and FreeState Clown Alley
More details to come….
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Presidential Jokes
Q: Why did George Washington have trouble sleeping?
A: Because he couldn’t lie.
Q: How did George Washington speak to his army?
A: In general terms!
Q: What rock group has four guys who don’t sing?
A: Mount Rushmore!
Q: What was Thomas Jefferson’s favourite dessert?
A: Monti jello!
Q. What did one flag say to the other?
A. Nothing. It just waved!
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Upcoming Clown Events
Circus Magic Convention
February 23-26, 2017
Crowne Plaza Hampton Marina
700 Settlers Landing Road
Hampton, VA 23669
2017 COAI Clown Convention
April 25-30, 2017
Hosted by: Northland Clown Guild Alley 217
Hilton Kansas City Airport
8801 NW 112 St
Kansas City, MO 64153
FABAIC – 15th Annual Face & Body Art International Convention
May 24 – 28, 2017
Double Tree by Hilton Universal Orlando
5780 Major Blvd
Orlando FL 32819
Find more upcoming events on Just For Clowns:
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The Circus is Coming to Town
4×4: Ephemeral Architectures
Sunday, January 22, 2017, 7:30PM
The Music Center at Strathmore
5301 Tuckerman Lane
North Bethesda, MD 20852-3385
What in the world do ballet and juggling have in common? Both are mathematical, architectural, and athletic endeavors based on people tracing pathways in space. Be there as four jugglers and four ballet dancers share a stage in this cross-art-form experience, leaving unseen patterns everywhere, defying the limitations of gravity and inspiring awe in the audience.
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents
Out of this World – Farewell tour
This is your last chance to catch the Ringling Bros. Circus before it closes
March 30, 2017 – April 02, 2017
Verizon Center
Washington, DC
April 07, 2017 – April 16, 2017
Eaglebank Arena
Fairfax, VA
Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
April 8, 2017 at 11:00 am
April 8, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Merchant Hall
Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle
Manassas, VA 20110
The whole family will be amused and amazed by the juggling skills of Gregory Popovich and the antics of his furry and feathered friends. Clowns, acrobats and jugglers accompany a menagerie of adorable animals that eagerly perform remarkable circus tricks.
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The 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Coming next summer…. Marking its fiftieth anniversary in 2017, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival will bring the rich history, mystique and diversity of circus arts to life on the National Mall. The 2017 Folklife Festival program will provide many opportunities for experiential exploration of the life and work of circus people in America today. Join us in Washington, D.C., June 29 through July 4 and July 6 through 9 on the National Mall between Seventh and Twelfth streets, adjacent to the Smithsonian Castle.
2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Circus Arts
June 29-July 4 and July 6-9, 2017
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Northern Virginia S.A.M. Assembly 252 Meetings
3rd Thursday of each month
7:30pm until 9:00pm
The Knights of Columbus Hall
behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church
3700 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22030
(go totally through church parking lot, make a right at baseball field, then a left, Knights of Columbus Hall is on the right)
Note: Youth meet 1/2 hour earlier at 7:00pm
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Fairfax Jugglers
Key Intermediate Cafeteria
Every Thursday, 7:30-10 PM * when school is in session
Key Intermediate School
6402 Franconia Road
Springfield, VA 22150
Contact bsperling@cox.net to get on their email list.
Rumors are true that the Fairfax Jugglers have switched back to Thursday nights. As usual, caveats about their need to clean the school prior to the opening, etc., so Barry will keep members informed about changes!
Enter the parking lot opposite Japonica Street, turn RIGHT at the front of the school and drive around to the far back and the end of the parking lot. Enter the cafeteria at entrance #6 (visible past the dumpster), along a sidewalk, and this may be the best way in (if you arrive first please prop open this door). Alternately, check the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9 or use entrance #5 and turn left at the first cross-hall, then look for the cafeteria on the left. OR: check the handicapped student’s gym by Entrance #9 after your first left turn.
The CIRCUS CLUB also meets at Key Intermediate School on ??, but in the Handicapped Student’s Gym by Entrance #9. They teach many circus skills to children and perform in parades and other venues. If you know of a child or teenager who would be interested in learning or developing those kinds of skills then contact them at Circusclub@yahoo.com
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