
JCA Board for 2017-2018

Mike Becvar, aka Sir Toony Van Dukes

Vice President
Miguel Flores, aka Pelukyta

Melanie Walker, aka Fancy

Violeta Peith, aka Sweet Pickle

Website and Newsletter Editor
Mike Becvar, aka Sir Toony Van Dukes

Duties of Officers

The President shall be the chief officer of the alley. The President shall preside at all alley meetings and Executive Board meetings, appoint all committees in consultation with the Board, ensure they fill board and officer positions, and serve as a representative of the alley to outside functions. The President shall provide monthly input to the newsletter.

The Vice President shall preside at alley meetings in the absence of the President. If the President resigns or is unable to perform his/her duties, the Vice President automatically becomes President. The Vice President shall coordinate, organize, and assign Boss Clown for all sanctioned alley events. The Vice President shall be responsible for sending a letter of intent to the coordinator of the event and collecting money promised for the alley’s participation in the event.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings. The Secretary shall keep the official membership list and a record of members at all meetings and shall perform other secretarial duties as assigned. The Secretary shall maintain required COAI membership documents and correspond accordingly with COAI.

The Treasurer shall collect dues; receive, deposit in the alley account and disburse all money received by the alley; shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements; shall reconcile the bank accounts with the bank statements on a monthly basis; and shall submit a monthly detailed Treasure’s report to the newsletter editor for publication. The Treasurer shall close the books at year end and provide an annual financial report to the Executive Board prior to the June meeting each year. JCA’s fiscal year shall be June 1 to May 31.

The Newsletter Editor shall collect, assemble, and edit articles, publish and mail the monthly newsletter.